Colobus Monkey

Vervet Monkey

Sykes Monkey


Cattle Egret

Wooly-Necked Stork

African Jacana


African Fish Eagle

Dung Beetle

African Darter

Black-Necked Heron

White-Faced Whistling Duck

Silvery-Cheeked Hornbill

White-Browed Robin-Chat

Golden Palm Weaver

Village Weaver

Red-cheeked Cordon Bleu

House Sparrow

From the Captain. The bird life around the 15th hole becomes more and more impressive and I managed to get a shot with 6 different bird species in 1 picture. A drink on me for those who can identify them all.

A few super shots donated and taken by Tay Belcher. We are extremely fortunate to have such a wonderful birdlife thriving around the lake.